The Notre Dame Club of Philadelphia utilizes for Clubs to organize club events and calendars, complete on line raffles and fundraisers to raise money for charity, automatically renew dues for our members, and send newsletters, emails and personal alerts to fellow Notre Dame Alumni living in the Philly area.
We can find fellow alums in Philly through name searches, class year, majors and even geography! We even have a private community where our members can swap football tickets to upcoming Notre Dame games! And all of our information is stored completely private and secure.
The Notre Dame Club of Philadelphia exists to promote solidarity and friendship among graduates, former students, and friends of the University of Notre Dame. The Philadelphia Club: promotes the same ideals that Notre Dame men and women are taught to uphold; sponsors charitable, educational, religious, social, and athletic activities that further the interest of members or the University; and supports scholarships for students of the University
Keep in touch with your Notre Dame friends in the Philadelphia area at our web site! Click here! |